トップ «前の日記(28-September-2012) 最新 次の日記(30-September-2012)» 編集


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29-September-2012 曇り [長年日記]

_ [日記] 明日は満月








_ [En] Typhoon has come!

The strong typhoon No. 17 gets closer to Japan.

It rains strongly now on Okinawa, and strong wind blows.

In Tokyo, still not comes rain and wind but tomorrow afternoon the typhoon strikes Kanto area, including Tokyo.

Tomorrow moon is full moon and it is the Moon of Autumn, but we will not see the good view because of the typhoon.

Japan is strong against to earthquake but weak against to a flood disaster. Typhoon causes that and many structures and lives are damaged by typhoon.

I hope that this time typhoon causes few disaster.
