Yesterday, when I was waiting to meeting time with my friends, I went to Book store.
And there, I found a language book of Lao.
I saw the book and I found something like I saw before.
The Lao letters and grammer are similar to Thai.
Today I googled about Lao, and Lao language is same language family with Thai. They are one of Tai–Kadai languages familly. They are almost same languages.
Historical and political reason, they are seperated and become each languages.
Their letters came from same root, devanagari.
I found on web that many time they can communicate each other. Of course in Lao they watch Thai TV and hear Thai radio, so young people of Lao understand well Thai.
Untill yesterday, I couldn't find relationship among the Asian languages, but I found good example.
Tai-Kadai language familly includes Zuojiang Zhuang languages, that is spoken in Guangxi, China. Guilin is in Guangxi. Oh, many languages are conected. (But Language in Guangxi is one of the Sinitic languages. That is same familly of Mandarin.)
It is true that Asian languages relationship is compecated, I think I found one of keys.