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06-October-2015 二日続けて [長年日記]

_ [日記] カウンター


_ [ノーベル賞] 物理学賞




_ [時事][アニメ][漫画][同人] TPP 著作権非親告化

ネギま!やUQ HOLDERを描いてる漫画家で、TPP関連とか表現の自由について色々と活動をしてきている赤松健さんが今回のTPPの結果に対するコメントをTwitterに上げていました。




_ [漫画] 激マン





_ [En] Short history of robot animation and manga in Japan

I tell you a short history of robot.

Traditionally, in Europe robots mean not good meaning.

But Japanese first animation of robot, The Tetsuwan Atom, in English it is known as Mighty Atom.

Atom is not a enemy of human beings, but is friend to people.

He has seven miracle ability, and he feels and think himself.

This is quite different from traditional robots story like R.U.R, the Metropolice, etc., etc.

First big robot in Japan is the Tetsujin 28-gou, the 28th Ironman. It is controlled from outside of it by person who owns the Tetsujin.

Then, the significant famous robot was invented, the Mazinger-Z, the first manned big robot. The pilot rides the Mazinger and controls it inside this robot. This style becomes popular in Japanese robot animations. Many manned robots, such like Gundam, were created.

The Gundam is next new paradigm of robots history. The Gundam was not special machine for pilot, that is, the Gundam is one of the weapons in this story. The Gundam itself was a test bed of mass production of the human formed robot series, but it can be replace other machines. Indeed, the continuation of the Gundam, the Zeta Gundam, the main pilot, Kamille Bidan, changed his machine from Gundam Mark-II to Zeta Gundam. The robots, called mobile suites in these stories, are just devices to fight in the war.

The Evangelion, little different from strict meaning of robot, is a kind of a manned robot, but this is also called as a android. It is not mechanical one, but the biological or occultic being. It is controlled by mental connection with pilot, and sometimes Eva makes pilot mental pollute.

The self standing robots are also created after Atom.

One of the most famous example of self standing robot is the Kikaider. Kikaider was produced by evil society as weapon but the doctor who built Kikaider installed the conscience circuit. This circuit did not completely work so Kikaider has incomplete justice mind. "He" wants to be human but he thinks himself incomplete being. At last he was installed evil mind circuit, and he gained both evil and justice mind, that means he BECOMES same as human being.

Many kind of robots was created in Japan.

I don't know there will be more new kind of robot in the future, but for Japanese the robots must be familiar things for Japanese people.

本日のツッコミ(全2件) [ツッコミを入れる]
_ よも (07-October-2015 09:28)


_ おおむらゆう (07-October-2015 23:17)

